Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Road to Graduation

            It is hard to believe that I am graduating this year after four years. I don't know where the time went for this amount of time. I entered as a freshmen to St. Mark's High School not knowing what the experience would be like in a high school. I was in phases 2 and 3 to start off my years in high school. Over time I made new friends and was looking forward to all of the excitement that was to come. That year I thought was going to go by slowly, but it was quicker than I thought that it would be. Then softmore year came and I phased up in some subjects and now was in phases 2,3,4. This was not a hard year with all of the phases that I now had. Many new friends were made and I got to know all of them better. This year went by faster than ever and the next thing that I knew I was a upperclass men in high school. This year I was in phases 3,4, and 5 after making more adjustments to the schedule that I had. These classes were tougher, but I was fine in them. I still managed to keep the 3.0. GPA. This year was fun and I knew so many people in all of the grades. Junior Prom was in the plans for the year and that was an excellent time that I had with everybody. Then at year came to an end and then I was considered a Senior high school. This was hard to the in becuase the first three years were gone and there was college to think about. The application process for college was long, but I was glad when it was all over. Now I realized that we would all split in different directions after the conclusion of this year. Now that I think about it we have one last of school and finals to take. Then Senior Prom will be attended and then we graduate a week after that. I am going to University of Delaware in the fall for Criminal Justice. I have always wanted to go to this school and I made that wish come true. It was the best experience of Senior year that I have had and I still can't believe that this is gone now.

Boston Trip Over Spring Break

                I went to Boston over spring break to have a vacation and also went to go see a college with my brother. It had a lot of music and sound equipment that made me think about all of the work that I do with the theaters. It is such a nice city and it is an easy city to get around in. We got to go to the Yankee Camdle Factory in Deerfield, MA also while we were on this trip as we as well. There were so many different scents that came from all of the room and we spend a long time there. We also had a celebration with my Great Gramdmother for her 96th birthday on Easter. It was a fun time with her and all of the family that was there with her. It was a long haul up to MA because we had to deal with a major rain storm going up there. It was not exactly the best driving conditions because it was hard to see the road markings. I got to do some of the driving because my mom had gotten tired and we decided to spilt the driving time out. I got lucky by having good weather to drive in with not a lot of traffic for most of the trip. It got to be annoying when I was driving because a tractor trailer was driving in the fast lane in the mountain part of MA. But then the driver had moved over and everyone was going to get around him so they wouldn't hold up the long traffic backup that he created. This was a lot of fun and I had a great new experience in a new state that I have never been to before. It is a city with lots of action that is going on everyday.The trip went by fast and before you know it my birthday came when we got back from the trip and we celebrated it with family and friends. Then school came up on the Monday when we had arrived back in Wilmington, DE. It was such a short spring break this year and the whole year has been flying by.